martes, diciembre 29

Forever 17.

Goodbye to year of dreams coming true,
a year where almost everything could happened.
I did many, created a lot.
When everything seemed so easy and complicated at the time.
Me and a city, where my faith and I were my only possessions.
My favorite part: No regrets.
So there's no way that I can be more thankful with God,
Damn! I had a great time.
And everything get clearer.
Expanded mind and shorter words.
Hearts broken, large smiles, headaches and fights.
Absolutely everything was worth it.
And I think about it often, because I liked every single day.
My daily experience, new stories to tell... less personal feelings to say.
Freedom all it's way, courage on my veins.
Centered and focused, but not yet with feet on ground.
When there's so much left, makes me wonder: what's next?
So many things come to my mind... and I am ready.
Holding my-self, to not hesitate. Not eating the world in one bit.
But I feel like it's mine.
I'm not trying to sound superb, I'm just comfortable to say that I am who I am.


ANNE :) dijo...

hold on baby... bars are waiting for u on 18! then u can eat the world!!! :)
maybe we should bite a sort of cake first! :* u know i really love u friend!
