jueves, noviembre 26
martes, noviembre 24
Dear enemy:
I feel that I can’t exist without you, I might hate you with all my heart but your still part of me, I’m proud when I beat you, and more of it because I did it, I don’t want anything or anyone else to bring you down, although I like to see you defeated, It feels so much better when I introduce my sword between your lungs, and you sing to me that melody of clemency for me to kill you and stop the torture. Well, for you, there’s never ending, you were made to suffer, and to be humiliated every time, with every sight and word. Please don’t die right now, because I need you, you are so evil and you don’t leave any kind of good on me, but I still need you. I can’t feel superior, I can’t fight, I can’t get forces against any… I just want you to exist. Let us have an eternal battle that would lead us into an eternal war were we would be destroying all of what we posses and love, our bodies won’t count anymore, who needs them? Those kinds of harms are weak, they don’t compare to the ones that are building and stored inside our souls; the ones that bring down at night, the ones that make you cry louder, when the tears burn, your fists are tightened harder, the teeth are pressed against each other and gives you submissive headaches, the ones that you can’t run away from, the ones that make company everywhere… everytime. There’s no medicine for them, no genetic cure, no steps ,no breaths; they got so buried inside, beneath every muscle, every bone, pores, hair follicles, skin chaps, and you start to love them, and wanting them… you would be nothing if you didn’t posses them, they are pure strength. I might sound terribly negative, but when you get to an extreme, it isn’t hard to twist all around, It’s so much that the heavy weight makes the balance spin upside down. Remember me when you are on your death hysteria, my arrogant ways and my dictator eyes, you’ll never find peace on them and hell yeah you will see them staring until the death of time, because what you can’t see on this world will follow in the next. You will never run away from me. I’ll never be sorry, the endless story. It’s my anger speaking. Because I lose a little bit of redemption every time that I listen your steps crossing the gothic hall.
Most of all, what makes you so perfect is that I can’t bring you down, and the truth about all this cataclysm: I admire you.